Nancy Schess
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11.28.2016 (3022 days ago)

The Rule That Saved Thanksgiving -- An Epilogue

The Rule That Saved Thanksgiving -- An Epilogue
3022 days ago 8 comments Categories: Holidays Tags:


Last week, I asked you all to share non-food Thanksgiving traditions. There were some fun suggestions.



In my house, we decided to repeat last year’s agenda and first posed Table Talk questions (ie: “Which of your ancestors would you most like to meet?” and “Name one goal for the upcoming year?”) followed by our annual round of “I am thankful this year for ___________________”



But really what saved our Thanksgiving was the “No Politics Zone” created at the dining room table. We literally put signs on the table reminding everyone that the current state of politics in this country was off limits table conversation. When we strayed, we waved the sign in the air and returned to our regularly scheduled Thanksgiving programming.



Ben suggested this in his blog on Thursday but I wanted to talk about the implementation. I hear that the “No Politics” rule was ever popular this year at Thanksgiving tables around the country. I saw one statistic that more than 65% of the holiday celebrations had adopted this rule. It certainly worked in our house.



Hoping that you all enjoyed a happy holiday.

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Posted By : hydrajet