Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
03.05.2018 (2560 days ago)

The Route of the Dashing Commuter

The Route of the Dashing Commuter
2560 days ago 5 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:


In 1957, the LIRR created the image of “Dashing Dan” intended to personify its slogan, “The Route of the Dashing Commuter.” Dan was well dressed holding his hat with one hand as he ran to catch his train. Dan lasted on his own until around 1963 when Dashing Dottie was introduced, complete with high heels, skirt and handbag.



The introduction of Dottie was responsive to a population of women commenting that Dan wasn’t alone in his commute. In fact, women were entering the workforce in large numbers. Coincidental that Dottie entered the scene the same year as the Equal Pay Act?



So as the LIRR attempted to capture what it perceived as the image of its commuters – hurried but stylish – looking backwards, it seemed to also capture a changing family and workplace dynamic too.



Just a little bit of commuting history on this Tuesday morning.


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