03.09.2017 (2920 days ago)

The Right Word

The Right Word
2920 days ago 7 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

I'm looking for a word - perhaps not yet invented or evolved - or perhaps the extension of the meaning or import of an existing word. Here's the background to my search. A friend has an appointment on a certain day and, having been advised of this important event, I ask to be informed of the outcome as expeditiously as possible. "Let me know. I'd like to hear from you." As soon as the words pass my lips, I realize the dilemma. I communicate with this person by talking or by texting. (Ever increasing in popularity, especially among a younger generation.) By saying "I'd like to hear from you" am I suggesting my preference for the spoken word? (Which, in this case, I am.) However, given our communication pattern, she might be more comfortable with a text -- and it might be more efficient. So, what's the verb for receiving a text? "Please text me" would do. However, that conveys a preference to receive a text -- which is not the case. Although I have my preference, I want to leave the option open and for the sender to do what's comfortable. Perhaps there's a word out there that works. If so, it doesn't come to mind. I should let her know that I'd like a report after the appointment -- whether by phone or text. A bit cumbersome. At least until we find the right word.

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