02.27.2013 (4393 days ago)

The Right Time And Place

The Right Time And Place
4393 days ago 6 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

There was some controversy surrounding the Academy Awards the other night involving raunchy humor.

Many were upset/offended by things said, be it on the stage or on the internet.  The show asked Seth McFarlane to host, which should have brought with it some realization of his type of humor.  This seems to be just a continuation of the whole Ricky Gervais debate.

Some people seem to focus the debate on whether this type of humor is funny or not.  I think what many people miss is that some of these things can be funny and inappropriate.  Just because something is funny does not mean that it should be said.  Just because people make a lot of money and are public figures does not mean that they should be invited to an event (partcularly what has always been a classy event) and then mocked and made fun of right to their faces.

I think the direction that television has gone has made people think that anything that someone says that is funny is acceptable.  It is kind of sad.

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