Carly Bentley
Freckled Strawberry Fields Forever
04.14.2021 (1411 days ago)

The Power of Articulation

The Power of Articulation
1411 days ago 17 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

I listen to many pitches delivered through the course of a single week and the ones with the most impact stand out. Typically, they have the best articulated stories, are brief, and get to the point. Do you notice people tune out when you’re telling your story, or are they leaning in? Last week I tuned into a Zoom, and the person speaking went on and on without breathing or checking in with the audience. I noticed more videos turn off and mute buttons engaged, which is the new “virtual body language” of “you’ve lost me”. Calls I enjoy engage the viewer, ask questions of the audience, provide pregnant pauses that keep my attention. Shorter zoom calls with a well articulated story have more impact. Leave your audience wanting more of you, not less. Please articulate what keeps you interested in attending another Zoomie....inquiring minds want to know!

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