Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
05.26.2014 (3891 days ago)

The Power

The Power
3891 days ago 6 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Anna and Emily Lawrence, twin sisters and juniors at JFK High School in Bellmore, recently made an important observation. Too many people, and in particular, new drivers are distracted by their cell phones and other devices. This is serious –people get hurt and some die. Some statistics show that eleven teens die every day because of texting and driving.

With determination and spirit typically seen in those much older, these seventeen year olds started an on-line petition and co-founded an organization called STANDD NY – simply put, Stop Texting And Driving. The petition gained momentum through social media (you can find it at and soon gained attention not only in their school but with local politicians and the media. Anna and Emily were recently invited to Albany to spread the word.

On June 5 (at 7 pm) the girls are hosting an assembly at their high school to draw attention to this important issue. At their request, Karen Torres, who lost her father to a distracted driver, will be joining them to share her own tragic experiences. The program is open to the public – both parents and their children are invited to attend.

I left out that these girls are my cousins. I may be biased but I am tremendously impressed with them and their accomplishments. When 17 year olds show this kind of forward thinking and activism, I know that our future is in good hands.

I will be at the assembly on June 5. If anyone in Gotham would like to join me, I would be happy for your company.

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