It has become an all-too-frequent scene. I notice across the restaurant a couple enjoying a nice quiet dinner. Then I see the smart phones, either on the table or in the hands of one (or both) of the diners. “What could possibly be so important?” I wonder.
And then the lyrics of Stephen Stills flow melodically through my mind. “...and if you can’t be with the one you love, love the one you’re with.”
I am tempted to go over to them and sing the lyrics - but I have an awful singing voice and it would be unfair to others in the restaurant.
A long time ago,before smart phones and texting, we visited a very fancy restaurant that asked us to check our cell phones. I think the policy was to prevent annoying other diners as one would speak.
Perhaps we should check our smart phones (literally or figuratively) and love the one we’re with.