08.08.2019 (2031 days ago)

The Noise

The Noise
2031 days ago 9 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

It is a small theater in the Berkshires and we settled into our seats looking forward to the show.

Soon after we were seated, a patron came in and sat behind us. The gentleman carried a portable oxygen concentrator that was providing air flow to the tubes leading to his nose.

As he sat and the lights dimmed the noise - a whirring sound - coming from the portable unit was undeniable. The man’s wife suggested that he turn the fan down and he did. It was annoying to those around him, including us, but tolerable.

As the lights went down for the second act, the noise was more pervasive. Perhaps the fan was not turned down. Annoying and interfering but any intervention at this point would be most disturbing.

We struggled through the second act. The noise clearly affected our ability to enjoy the play.

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