05.01.2014 (3951 days ago)

The Next Book?

The Next Book?
3951 days ago 6 comments Categories: Books Tags:

When I finish a novel, I feel that I've said goodbye to a friend. There's a feeling of loneliness and a time to reflect upon the times we shared.

I soon turn to finding a new book to put on the coveted spot on my night table that is reserved for my current read. There is always an abundance of books to choose from. (It seems that, with the best of intentions, I have accumulated more books than I could read in a lifetime.) Choosing the next book is more difficult than it may seem. With the exception of a mystery “beach” novel over the summer, I try to be judicious in my reading. There are lots of “good books” and “good reads” but finding a book that is worthwhile poses a challenge.  This is further complicated by the fact that sometimes you have to read the book to find out if it was worthwhile (except when it is recommended by the Gotham Book Club -- and there have been several of those).

How do you choose the next book?

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