Nancy Schess
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02.26.2018 (2568 days ago)

The Next Big Binge

The Next Big Binge
2568 days ago 9 comments Categories: Entertainment Blogs Tags:


I admit that periodically, I enjoy a good binge watch. My first ever binge was Mad Men. I couldn’t get enough. I almost missed my train stop more than once, absorbed in a particular story line as the E train pulled into the Fifth Avenue station.



Later, I ran through Orange is the New Black at an even quicker pace.



My current binge though is The Crown. Apparently, I knew very little about the British monarchy. I find myself following every episode with an in depth google search to fact check the plot line and take a deeper dive into whatever was that day’s subject.



Sadly, though, I am only a few episodes from the end and I know I will find myself longing for my next good binge.



Any suggestions?

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