09.26.2019 (1981 days ago)

The News

The News
1981 days ago 5 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

As I was driving home from the office the other day, I glanced over at the car to my right and noticed the CNN logo on the car’s multi-media screen. He must also be listening to CNN.

I listen to the news during my commute — when I’m not on the phone.

I listen - and watch - the news far too much. I’m beginning to believe that it’s not good for me.

However compelling and, perhaps, interesting, the news can become addictive.

I’ve always tried to follow the guidance of “Everything in moderation” and, now, I must reassess my relationship with the news.

Getting back to the driver in the car to my right...

I wonder whether he’s feeling the need to change the station.

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