03.24.2014 (3990 days ago)

The Nearly Impossible Dream

The Nearly Impossible Dream
3990 days ago 4 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

I have never followed the NCAA tournament except for this year. Like 11 million others my step-son, Ryan, joined Warren Buffet’s $1 billion perfect bracket challenge. Unlike  most others, however, at the end of the first day Ryan and only 500,000 others were still in the game.

Ryan having made it through the first day, gave our family the opportunity to dream. We talked about what we would do with the money if he won (since Ryan is under 21 his submission was technically in my husband’s name). Extensive travelling, higher education without financial concern, dream homes, and the good we could do for others was all enthusiastically discussed Thursday night.

On Friday morning we continued to talk about our dreams. And then Mercer beat Duke. And my families’ dreams, for the moment, ended.

Do you dream?  What would you do with $1 billion?

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