09.01.2013 (4193 days ago)

The Mysterious Red Spot

The Mysterious Red Spot
4193 days ago 7 comments Categories: Health Tags:

Driving along in my car, having a pleasant conversation, suddenly Eve yelled "OWW!"  She looked at the underside of her left forearm and there was a red mark, about a quarter inch, shaped somewhat like Puerto Rico.   I tried to get a look at it but had to keep my eyes on the road.

I thought maybe there was something she caught her arm on between the seat and the console that had scratched her, but as she put her hand there to check there appeared to be nothing.  We went home to get a better look, even passing the Stop and Shop where I desparately needed to get more coffee creamer for this morning.


 Once home I put on my reading glasses, a pair of magnifiers, and used my handy little magnifying glass to look at the red mark shaped like Puerto Rico.  It was surely not a mosquito bite.  I tried to see if there was a skin puncture.   Maybe there was one, I could not be completely sure.   What could this be, and even more mysterious, what did it?


We looked on line for different types of bites.  Nothing was conclusive.  And what could have creeped into my car anyway?


 We decided to go back to the car to investigate.  We took out two flashlights.  I examined the passenger seat where Eve was sitting, moving the seat to and fro to get  good look.  I found nothing.  She checked the back seat in case the predator was trying to hide or escape.  Nothing.   And no flying bugs were spotted either.


The cause of this mysterious red mark eludes us.  My theory is that it was a creepy little spider that took a bite.   I am waiting for Eve to wake up to see if she can shoot spider web stuff out of her wrists or if she can climb the walls.   I thought though if she can instead of making her a spiderwoman outfit, I would probably take her to a doctor.




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