Carly Bentley
Freckled Strawberry Fields Forever
06.19.2019 (2078 days ago)

The Membership

The Membership
2078 days ago 11 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:


How well do you know your colleagues? What we do for a living, might not explain who we are as an individual.


I’m proposing for membership at The Union League and it is no easy feat. The proposal process requires work, connection, commitment and persistence. Characteristic of the American people. The process is ensuring that prospective members are the type of member The League is looking to admit. I am very hopeful I make the grade and that they let me in the front door. Fingers crossed!


Growing up in a small agricultural farm town in the Midwest provided rich American tradition, values steeped in our amendment rights and free enterprise for all Americans willing to work hard. Love of country and those who serve are held in high regard and reverence. In fact, six of our extended family members served in the US Military; my grandfather William Coleman receiving a Purple Heart Medal. Ambition and pulling up one’s bootstraps inspired early participation and demonstration in our family business. Raised to be independent, it was clear that I would direct my concentration in finance and relocated to the Northeast.


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