06.24.2019 (2089 days ago)

The Life of An Early Riser

The Life of An Early Riser
2089 days ago 11 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:


For most of my adult life, I loved to sleep late on the weekends. Even when my children were young, when they would wake up earlier than me on weekends, I would pull them into my bed and let them watch television while I dozed.



Several months ago, all that changed. A friend wanted to attend Weight Watchers with me but was only available very early on Saturday mornings. So, in order to encourage her to go, I agreed to change my weekly Weight Watcher meeting to a very early Saturday morning meeting. Other friends who knew me were flabbergasted to learn that I would agree to be out of the house so early on a Saturday.



I found that getting out of bed early on Saturday morning was not as difficult as I had anticipated it to be. I then got into a habit of, after attending the early Saturday meeting, doing my weekly errands. I quickly realized how much I could accomplish before 11:00 a.m. on a Saturday.



I now appreciate the life of an early riser. Are you an early riser or late riser?

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