Cayce Crown
Your Videyoda.
08.05.2015 (3491 days ago)

The Key

The Key
3491 days ago 9 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:Key west, Manhattan, beaches, Cats

We Manhattanites have it good in so many ways. One way is almost wherever we go on vacation it's cheaper, this is particularly true in the U.S. I'm down in Key West this week, not staying at the famed Klein cottage this time, too big for our needs. We do always stay in "old town" and the closeness of the cottages doesn't bother me at all. I'm used to it, it's actually luxurious to me. The prices of food whether dining out or buying groceries is also not disturbing in the least. And, of course, the free to be/born this way/anything goes lifestyle, I love and am used to in Manhattan. I think this also holds true for my pals in Queens, the most ethnically diverse place in the world, and Brooklyn, getting so hip you'd better ask your kids how to behave there. Also, there's no subway, the coral is at least as hard as schist, but you can gloriously ride your bike everywhere. Come see the beaches, the polydactyl cats, the live music, all those great films you haven't had time to catch, the FOOD, the sun, the palms, the people. Stay off Duval and ask Fred for his generous Gotham discount. Key West... Where a chicken can cross the road and his motivation will not be questioned!

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