07.13.2017 (2783 days ago)

The Joys of Summer (?)

The Joys of Summer (?)
2783 days ago 4 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

It wasn't exactly a scene from The Birds, but it was bad. We had a sense, but the full impact was not felt for days.
We decided to go down to the beach one evening to try out the restaurant at TOBAY that is under new management.
The write-up in the press made it seem worthwhile.
So, after  a walk on the Boardwalk at Jones Beach, we drove east along Ocean Parkway to TOBAY.
We were offered a lovely table on the deck with a nice view of the bay. We soon moved inside to get away from the bugs.
Inside was no better. The waitress was so sympathetic that she went to her car and offered us her bug spray.
This was about a week ago and the itchy welts are almost all gone.
The mosquitoes had their way with us. Who said something about the joys of summer - especially at the beach?

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