07.22.2024 (228 days ago)

The Importance of Self Care

The Importance of Self Care
228 days ago 5 comments Categories: Health Tags:

This is a public service blog.


In late April, I had my annual full body check with my dermatologist. All was well.


About three weeks later I noticed a new small “pimple,” on my nose. I thought nothing of it initially. But when a week passed and then two weeks passed and it did not heal, I became apprehensive. I finally scheduled another appointment with my dermatologist.  


The moment my dermatologist saw the “pimple,” he expressed concern. He removed it to take a biopsy. About a week later he called me to tell me that it was a squamous cell carcinoma, and I needed a Mohs procedure.


I had the Mohs surgery in early July. It took two “scrapings” to remove the squamous cells.  All of the squamous cells, however, have been removed.


Throughout my conversations with my dermatologist and the surgeon, who performed the procedure, they both stressed how crucial it was that I went to the doctor when as soon as I grew concerned about the “pimple” on my nose.  Early intervention made the treatment easier and more effective.


So, here’s my message. Regularly see your doctors. And even if you do, know your own body. If you think something looks or feels concerning, go back to your doctor. Had I been complacent and waited, my situation could have been a lot different.



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