Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
03.03.2023 (743 days ago)

The Guitar Magnet

The Guitar Magnet
743 days ago 26 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

My 16 year old grandson Shawn visited us last week and he let it be known that he was learning to play the guitar.  

Amazingly, he was soon peppered with all sorts of offers of stringed instruments: ukuleles on up through acoustics to electric with amp. Even a steel guitar. Of course he jammed.  

We did not plan it and just marveled at the burgeoning bountiful serendipity.  

For example, we visited a guitar shop, The Grateful Guitar, and he was sampling an acoustic and the Manager asked if she could video and live stream his "performance" and she did and we marvel at his ever mounting number of Facebook views.  

He has been playing for less than 6 months and can hardly read music, but nonetheless, day by day, his improvement is perceptible.  

And why not? After all, he's the Guitar Magnet!!!

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