Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
10.21.2013 (4156 days ago)

The Gotham Touch

The Gotham Touch
4156 days ago 5 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Part of what we hope Gotham does best is to provide a forum to build relationships from which we know great things follow. As a result, we are rolling out a new program for 2014, “The Gotham Touch”.


We will actively encourage our members to get together with one another between regular meetings. Any type of connection is great, a phone call, lunch, or even just an email. Meetings can then have a “Gotham Touch” segment where everyone will report on their connections from last time.


Our thought is that there is no substitute for spending time together and getting to know people. LinkedIn and Facebook are great but a personal touch is well, special.


Fred and I had a very enjoyable lunch today with Gothamite Michael Zeldes just to catch up. Michael makes a point of having lunch with us from time to time. Made me think that this was our kick off, of sorts, for the Gotham Touch program.


Anyone have a Gotham Touch they would like to share?

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