Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
12.25.2020 (1541 days ago)

The Gotham Hall of Fame

The Gotham Hall of Fame
1541 days ago 31 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Are you aware that Gotham has a Hall of Fame?

As pictured, it is on our website and peopled by the annual recipients of our Networker of Year and Red Bandanna Awards.

This year, Hot Spot Queens Group members Brad Scherer, Dan Schwartz and Lourdes Villanueva Hartrick were our inductees.

Take a look at our Hall of Fame on the website (click on About and then Hall of Fame).

Such Gotham luminaries as Shelley Simpson, Robert Esposito (2019), Brett Deutsch, Laurel Scarr-Konel (2018), Carly Meyer, Susan Zinder (2017) and going back to 2004 include Tom Gallin, Raj Goel, Norm Spizz, Corey Bearak, Josh Zinder, Ester Horowitz, Marc Halpert, Lisa Waterman, Bob Formica, Scott Klein, Kelley Welles, Mike Zeldes and Jeff Kamberg as Networkers of the Year.

In addition to Lourdes, Red Bandanna honorees include Jason Greenberg, Jefferson Crowther, Paul Napolitano and Mitch Tobol.

A great honor.  A great congregation of Gothamites and something to aspire to!

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