Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
06.17.2022 (999 days ago)

The Gotham Film Festival

The Gotham Film Festival
999 days ago 12 comments Categories: Entertainment Blogs Tags:

Last night Norm Spizz and his Committee (Corey Bearak, Elizabeth Greenberg, Tessa Marquis, Caitlyn Ryan and Shelley Simpson) presented still another stellar Gotham Film Festival (generously sponsored by Jason Greenberg/Phoenix Public Adjusters Group, Raj and Sharon Goel, Tom Gallin, Klein Zelman Rothermel Jacobs & Schess, 5th Street Advisors, Susan Sajiun-Fitzharris, Ray Walcott, Vincent Russo, Joshua Zinder, Kelly Welles and Mike Jakob.  

Gotham presents the Film Festival every other year, alternating with the Gotham Battle of the Bands.  
This year we had many short film entrees  (10 minutes or less), The committee pared them down to 3 in 2 categories, Documentary and Narrative. 
The Festival began at 6:00 on Zoom and we viewed all 6 finalists, with a running time of 55 minutes, and then the winners were announced, after a surprise announcement by Chairman Spizz that as a consequence of Sponsorship Chair Corey Bearak’s extraordinary efforts and the generosity of our sponsors, all finalists would receive prize money.  Originally the prizes were set at solely $1000 for the First Place winner in each category. 
Our esteemed Judges were Joanna Langford (mother of recently married Gothamite Greg Rose), Michael Steger and Talia Zinder (a former winner). 
And the Winners are:
Documentary Category
First Prize $1000
Nacieron las Flores
Ashley Cervantes  
Second Prize $500
Article 116 Beyond Citizenship
David Padrusch
Third Prize $250
Community in Quarantine 
Bridget Harry
Narrative Category 
First Prize $1000
Dante Simonetta
Second Prize $375
House of Horrors
Liam Weinberger
Second Prize* $375
Bloody Love
Shannon Jamieson
*Second and Third prizes were added and divided due to a tie score.  
PS In addition to the generous prize money the winners have the PR benefit of heralding they are “Winner of the 2022 Gotham Film Festival”! 
It all Sounds good to me :)

Guest Comments
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Comments from Guests
What a fantastic event. I enjoyed watching all of the films and the hosts were hysterical!

Posted By : Deborah Heiser

What a fantastic event. I enjoyed watching all of the films and the hosts were hysterical!

Posted By : Deborah Heiser