11.02.2022 (844 days ago)

The Good Nurse

The Good Nurse
844 days ago 9 comments Categories: Entertainment Blogs Tags:

I am sure you have looked forward to a movie and have been disappointed.  My expectations were raised when I found out that two Oscar winners that I like were in the movie.  “The Good Nurse” sounded like a can’t miss, must see, on Netflix.


Jessica Chastain and Eddie Redmayne play the good and bad nurses in a truth based mystery. It all sounded promising.  The movie has a heavy New Jersey flavor and the story was news making.  The detective investigating the crimes are challenged by institutional obfuscation.  There are lots of inside hospital details.  


I don’t want to provide all the spoilers, but the film left me wondering why it underperformed. Perhaps, it was the script or was it the director’s softening of the story?


What movies have left you underwhelmed?    

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