Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
03.20.2017 (2910 days ago)

The Gift of Song

The Gift of Song
2910 days ago 5 comments Categories: Music Tags:


This is a proud mama blog.



By Sunday night, I was pleasantly exhausted. This weekend was the Syosset High School musical. For four straight nights, we sat in the auditorium each night inching our way closer to the stage, watching an amazingly talented and cohesive group of students in their happy spots – including my son.



The production this year was Hair. Remember Aquarius? Let the Sunshine In? Manchester England England? Shall I go on ?? Trust me, after four nights in a row I could sing the whole score – and most of it is on my phone in case you want to watch next time I see you. [Perhaps the choice of this particular production for high school students is the subject of another blog.]



Sometimes one of those moments just catches you, watching one of your children doing something they love. It’s pretty rewarding. And, how lucky to be able to be there to share it – with a couple hundred of your neighbors.



To top off the experience, we ran from the closing performance Sunday afternoon to Adelphi University for Eric’s Metropolitan Youth Orchestra mid-year concert and the most beautiful rendition of Danny Boy I have ever heard.



On to the next performance!



Thank you all for indulging this proud mama blog.


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