We would have ventured back to a movie theatre ages ago but frankly, just did not have the opportunity. OK, in truth, maybe we became a little lazy during the pandemic. There is something very relaxing about pajamas, a glass of wine and a movie or binge worthy show on my big screen TV. And, during the pandemic, the choices became very plentiful.
But we always loved the experience of going to the movies. I remember as a young couple, pre children, there was a movie theatre a block from our apartment and we were probably on line there for tickets once a week. And, that was before comfy seats.
During our recent trip to California, we had one really rainy day. Turns out, El Cerrito had the sweetest eclectic movie theatre right in town. It was a “dine in” theater and so both food and beverage were on the menu with service to your seats. The seats were big and comfortable, but they did not recline in that way that always sends me right to sleep.
I have to admit, I hesitated for just a split second as we walked through the doorway. The last movie we saw in a theater would have been sometime in early 2020 – literally four years prior. That solitary fact was sobering in terms of how much the world changed overnight.
Will we be back in the movie theatre on a regular basis? Excellent question to which I am unsure of an answer. I have become partial to the ease of movie watching at home.
Notice I haven’t even shared with you what movie we saw. It is only slightly relevant to the story. But if you are curious, we saw “Ghostbusters, Frozen Empire”. It was literally a blast from the past and very well done.