Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
04.23.2019 (2148 days ago)

The Facebook Phenomenon

The Facebook Phenomenon
2148 days ago 5 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:


Some of you may know that my daughter has accepted a new job for the fall. She will be working at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor doing health economics policy research. We are all super excited -- but that is not the purpose of this blog.

I am a pretty regular poster on Facebook about my children but for some reason, this news hasn’t yet made it to my feed but without intention or thought on my part. Really, just busy. The result has been interesting to me.

Unless we have actually spoken in the last few weeks, you don’t know about Jaclyn’s new job yet I may have assumed you did. This was particularly striking at Passover seder when I started talking about apartment hunting in Ann Arbor and everyone around the table asked why that was on my radar.

I'm not sure I think this phenomenon is a positive thing, but I suppose it is an example of the power of Facebook as a communication tool.

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