11.23.2014 (3745 days ago)

The End.

The End.
3745 days ago 17 comments Categories: Health Tags:

This is my last blog.


I am continually frustrated when I write something and go to post and it is not there or gets deleted.  Oddly, it happens to the blogs that I think are the best and is infinitely frustrating.  My attemped post for today, in which I was paying homage to my parents on my 60th birthday, magically disappeared two times.  This has caused me to lose some hair and is not a relaxing way to start a Sunday morning.


Maybe it is a sign that it is time.  It has been a few years doing this and I have enjoyed it very much.   A new voice though could be refreshing.  And I will save some of my hair.


Thank you, Fred, for giving me the chance to do this.  But now, signing out.

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