11.10.2022 (848 days ago)

The Election Aftermath

The Election Aftermath
848 days ago 4 comments Categories: Politics Tags:

The election is over. I was so looking forward to November 9th. Not necessarily because I was looking forward to the results of the vote, but because I couldn’t wait for the tv ads, mailings, emails and text messages to end.
I found the emails and text messages to be particularly annoying. And, like a bad whatever, I couldn’t get rid of them. Unsubscribing didn't help.                                                 I didn’t realize that I was a constituent of every candidate across the country…. and a sought-after potential donor.

As I reached for my phone to write this blog late on Wednesday, a drop-down appeared. Another email, asking for a donation to help with the counting of the outstanding ballots.

And there is a run-off In Georgia in four weeks. 

I fear it will never end.

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