Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
08.13.2021 (1311 days ago)

The Delta Variant

The Delta Variant
1311 days ago 41 comments Categories: Health Tags:

Both Joanne and I have been vaccinated and were becoming comfortable with life as it used to be.  We returned to the gym, dined indoors and enjoyed breathing fresh air without the annoying hindrance of a mask.


And then along came this insidious Delta Variant and our world was thrown akimbo!

What to do?  Who to listen to?

It’s scary.  It’s complicated and it could be life and death.

We are compelled to return to the annoying masks and outdoors become a safer haven.

What next?

PS It is Friday the 13th!

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