05.20.2024 (280 days ago)

The Cycle of Life

The Cycle of Life
280 days ago 8 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

I sat last week in my doctor’s waiting room for over an hour waiting to be seen (why doctors can keep people waiting for over an hour is the subject of another blog). During that time, I watched people coming and going.  Checking in immediately before me was a young woman to see the doctor. Accompanying the young woman was her mother, obviously there to support her daughter with her health care concerns


Several minutes later two other women checked in. This pair was an elderly woman and a middle-aged woman. The appointment was for the elderly woman and the middle-aged woman identified herself as the older woman’s daughter.  They were similar to the other pair before them but, this time, it was the daughter seeking to support her mother with her medical care. 


As I sat frustrated at the back up in the office, I thought about the four women siting near me. Their appearance there seemed to be a metaphor for the cycle of life.  As parents we help and support our children.  Then, as we age, hopefully our children help us if needed. 


This week I observed the cycle of life revealing itself in a doctor's waiting room. What have you observed today?


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