Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
07.16.2021 (1338 days ago)

The Center of the Universe

The Center of the Universe
1338 days ago 18 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

I start by positing that most everyone operates as if they are the center of the universe.

And most everyone is motivated by self interest.

If you recognize and operate under these core principles you will best be able to negotiate the difficult twists and turns of life.

Harmony occurs when you find parallel interests with someone. Synergy is a good word.

Selfish is not a bad word.

However, all this goes out the window when we encounter those who do not fit into the above “most everyone” category!

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Thank you Fred, excellent way to end the week. Coincidently, just finished this book last week and it speaks quite a bit about the same. Have a great weekend!

Posted By : Stephen Redford

Fred hits it. We all search for significance, to be recognized and appreciate for who we are and what we do and think!

Posted By : Odey Raviv

Fred hits it. We all search for significance, to be recognized and appreciate for who we are and what we do and think!

Posted By : Odey Raviv