Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
05.28.2021 (1387 days ago)

The Case of the Cross Eyed Strangler

The Case of the Cross Eyed Strangler
1387 days ago 18 comments Categories: Books Tags:

Gothamites Mitch Tobol, Odey Raviv and I belong to the North of 25A Book Group (pictured) and on Saturday we hosted long time Gotham member Tony Celano for discussion of his latest book, The Case of The Cross Eyed Strangler.  Rather than sitting on his laurels, Tony's "encore" comes in the form of Detective Story author.

It was Tony’s second Book Group appearance, as we had enjoyed a prepandemic discussion of his maiden effort, Two in the Trunk.

Tony draws upon his extensive NY Police Department experiences in writing about interesting cases he’s investigated and solved.


After an ample outdoor lunch in pleasant surroundings, Tony got us in the mood by relating his long ago, highly charged, confrontation with John Gotti in the street in front of The Don’s Howard Beach house. Suffice it to say, street wise Tony calmed the potential fire works in his own special way.

Throughout a 3 hour exchange of views on policing, politics and problematic 21st Century life Tony exhibited his own brand of Old School practical smarts.  It was an Author emoting at his best!

Not coincidentally, Tony has plans to revive his Gotham Authors Group. Stay tuned.

Thank you Tony for everything you do!

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