I know it’s winter, but until recently it hadn’t really felt that way. I wasn’t even wearing my real winter coat.
But the last week or so in the Northeast has been brutal. So cold that the heating system in the house has to work extra hard to just take the chill out of the air. So cold that the heavy socks come out for sleeping. And so cold that you can see your breath almost as you are walking out the door.
I don’t enjoy this kind of bitter cold -- particularly when it means standing on a windy elevated LIRR platform to wait for a usually delayed train. I bundle up, heavy coat, two scarves, gloves, etc. but on days like this it doesn’t really seem to work.
I will brave the cold to head to work but I am curious if you have any tips for me to stay warm out there?
Happy New Year to everyone.
Posted By : Sdvilldeamb
Posted By : Sdvilldeamb
Posted By : Sdvilldeamb
Posted By : hydrajet
Posted By : hydrajet
Posted By : Sdvilldeamb
Posted By : Sdvilldeamb