05.23.2019 (2111 days ago)

The Bathtub ?

The Bathtub ?
2111 days ago 4 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Do you need a bathtub?
The question was raised by an exhibit at a design show in which students from Pratt Institute, sponsored by American Standard (manufacturer of bathroom appliances), displayed futuristic alternatives to the bathtub.
The exhibit presented statistics regarding the bathtub: People’s preferences for showers (90%) and the water-conservation benefits of showers - with a not surprising suggestion of shorter showers.  
The exhibit featured a prototype of a shower with a reclining bench. Interesting.
I wonder whether we could renovate and replace the bathtub.  Our bathtub is rarely used for baths. (The primary purpose of baths is now relegated for our grandchildren.) Generally, the side of the bathtub is the obstacle to step over on the way to a shower in the confines of the tub. Avoid stubbing a toe…or worse.
So, the question the bathtub still in your future?

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