Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
03.06.2015 (3656 days ago)

The Artful Lodger

The Artful Lodger
3656 days ago 10 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

We recently had a house guest who inspired the above title.

She gave real life meaning to the expression "she gives as much as she takes".

Prior to her arrival we were the appreciative recipients of a bountiful Zabar's Gift Basket (truly a fine artful lodger's touch).

She lived in our guest room in the manner of an appreciative family member (without the drama) and pitched in whenever and wherever she could.

We did not go anywhere without her and our coordinated biking was a highlight to behold.

As soon as she left the house was empty and we missed her.

On reflection, we realized
that she played her role and held up her end, offering ample intellectual and emotional capital in return for our hospitality.

She was truly The Artful Lodger!

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