Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
01.06.2020 (1889 days ago)

The Annual Resolutioning Exercise

The Annual Resolutioning Exercise
1889 days ago 4 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:


Here I go again. This is my first blog of the new year and I have a tradition. I blog about resolutions. I’ve always had this theory that saying it out loud would hold me accountable – as if each and every one of you counted as my own personal mirror. (And yes, I know that “resolutioning” is not a word – but this time of year, it has always seemed to me to be more of a verb).

I have to admit, though, that my process hasn’t really worked. I make those resolutions every year (one always has to do with ten pounds) but find that I lose momentum pretty quickly along the way.

However, I read an article the other day where the author’s premise was that resolutions were too daunting. She recommended intentions, rather than resolutions. I like that and I am going to try an intention list this year. But truth be told that ten-pound resolution has just been converted to an intention.

Do you make resolutions? What is your secret to keeping them? Or, would you rather join my intention team?

Happy new year everyone!

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