Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
11.30.2013 (4115 days ago)

Thanksgiving facts

Thanksgiving facts
4115 days ago 14 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

After stuffing myself with fried turkey, brisket, potato latkes, stuffing and brussel slaw, I wondered how many other people enjoy the same. So...I went on a Thanksgiving fact finding tour and found the following morsels for you to digest.


  • Americans eat 736 milllion pounds of turkey every Thanksgiving
  • That's roughly 16 lbs per person (I definitely ate more than that :)
  • 88% of us eat turkey on this day
  • We spend over 2.4 billion dollars on the Thanksgiving dinners
  • Over 250 million turkeys were raised this year
  • Minnesota raises the most, followed by North Carolina and Arkansas
  • Average cost per pound of turkey...$1.15


Fun facts for a great day of food, fun and family. Now I wonder, how many different kinds of meals can you make with Turkey???


Turkey and eggs, turkey souffle, turkey pancakes, turkey loaf, turkey meatballs....

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