Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
11.21.2016 (3030 days ago)

Thanksgiving Traditions

Thanksgiving Traditions
3030 days ago 6 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:


Rona has the food covered from her blog yesterday.  Today, I want to talk about traditions for your Thanksgiving that are not food related.  For years, we went around the table saying what we were thankful for.



Two years ago, we Thanksgivinged (that should be a word, really) with our family in Florida where, with forethought, a question had been placed at each setting and we went around the table discussing our questions.



Last year, on a similar theme, using a Table Topics game my daughter had been given as a birthday gift, we posed the pre-set topics around the table.



Looking for something new this year as entertainment. What do you do at your Thanksgiving table -- in addition to giving thanks, of course!

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