
Thanks & Giving

Thanks & Giving
1565 days ago 15 comments Categories: Holidays Tags:Thanksgiving, Theresa Foundation, Zoom, FaceTime, Humanitarian Fund, Knights of Pythias, SNAP, Services Now for Adults Persons, COVID-19, Giving Tuesday, MAD Mondays

Thanksgiving this year flipped the script a bit. We gathered smaller than usual and many use other means such as Zoom or FaceTime to connect with others who usually joined us. Something remains the same: our need to give. Many rose up to support causes we already support, and special associated appeals in light of COVID-19. The focus on giving always deserves its special emphasis around Thanksgiving, the approach of the holiday season, and Giving Tuesday, which takes place on December 1. This year many causes I support included help for those affected by and/or fighting COVID-19. These include Services Now for Adult Persons, the Pythian Humanitarian Fund and Gotham.


Services Now for Adult Persons, Inc. (“SNAP”) provides supportive social services for older adults in many communities in Queens. Despite COVID-19 and its impact, SNAP and its dedicated staff work hard to serve seniors and their families, providing food, transportation, programs and activities in new and innovative ways. The pandemic severely impacts the resources SNAP depends upon to make a difference for its clients. Gotham relationships benefit SNAP.


The Knights of Pythias through its Humanitarian Fund and the support of its districts and local lodges have supported a variety of local relief efforts and essential workers. The Pythians also support scholarships, diabetes research and youth attending summer camp; their local lodges also make additional donations.


Gotham will announce its awards following its Season of Giving at its Annual Holiday Party (this year held virtually). My other fave charity is Vincent and Susan Russo’s Theresa Foundation which honored Fred Klein and this correspondent in successive years.


Tomorrow, and every Monday, Gotham allows is members to post appeals to support causes on its Fredslist listserve. We call it MAD (as in Make A Difference) Mondays. And Giving Tuesday follows.


So four options to consider for giving. If you favor some others, do mention your own cause(s) in the comments.


And in case you require some further inspiration...perhaps some songs.

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