Carly Bentley
Freckled Strawberry Fields Forever
04.01.2020 (1743 days ago)

Thank Goodness for Gotham

Thank Goodness for Gotham
1743 days ago 15 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

This past Friday, Gotham hosted a happy hour, via Zoom.  It was fun! "When life gave them Quarantine, Gothamites made Quarantinis."

It was good to see everyone and be "together", even if we couldn't be together, in the flesh. The best part was seeing everyone in their natural habitats. Their drink of choice, the convenience of refills and the belly of laugter we all experienced, amidst the scary events happening all around. Much needed. The guys are growing beards, and the ladies are longing for the salon. First time I've done my hair in 10 days was Friday.My husband barely recognized me.

Did you know that you can have a background of just about anything you want on ZOOM? Mitch, our Webmaster, sat at his faux bar, with some mysterious person sitting silently in the background. I actually believed he was at a beach, until that person sitting behind him...never, ever moved. Maybe she already bought her fill of chicken and TP. Who knows!

Lucky for me, I was even able to meet someone new, over zoom. Networking, via video. His name is Brad and he's very nice. Brad, if you're out there, thank you, and thanks to countlss others, for sending me information on the 2020 RMD rules, much appreciated.

I'd like to take a minute and honor those of our friends and family deeply affected by this terrible sickness. Sending all those readimg this blog, love, light, healing and a giant safety shield around you.





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