Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
06.20.2016 (3184 days ago)

Technology Uber Reliance

Technology Uber Reliance
3184 days ago 5 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:


Friday afternoon I was busily working away at my laptop. To be completely honest, I was multi-tasking – talking on my cell phone, sending an instant message and reading an email. Really, I am not sure how I was doing all of those things and probably wasn’t really.



But all of a sudden my mouse froze the computer. It wasn’t going anywhere and I could not get to anything behind the screen I was working on. OK, so reboot, pray, reboot, pray. Kind of like rinse, repeat but for technology.



But ending with reboot, panic. My prayers were not answered and I soon started to come to terms with the fact that my computer was just simply gone. My very technology comfortable husband tried restoring it, which kind of worked, but not enough.



The point of my blog is how reliant upon technology we have become, or at least speaking for myself, how reliant I have become. My laptop is my technology connection from home. I do a good amount of work from that piece of equipment and the prospect of not having it made me, well, anxious to say the least.



So, along came Saturday and our evening turned into a shopping extravaganza to replace my soon to be former laptop so that I could sleep a sound sleep Saturday evening. It worked.


As I type this blog, I am enjoying learning about the features of my new lap

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