Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
07.20.2018 (2425 days ago)

Technology Trouble

Technology Trouble
2425 days ago 24 comments Categories: Tech News Tags:

Last week I blogged about being beleagured by a (Hack) Hoax and once that was resolved I immediately proceeded to lose my phone.  The second was surely worse than the first.

The only explanation is that my pocket was picked.  Believe me, I looked everywhere!

I hope it never happens to you.  What a horribly helpless empty frustrating feeling.  Everything is lost and you are alone without recourse.

One has no idea how dependent they have become on their mobile device until this happens.

Thank goodness for my partner Jane Jacobs who serves as my phone techie.  In that capacity she had all my info backed up in the Cloud, which I hardly comprehend, but it worked. Within 48 hours I had a new phone loaded with all my stuff.

It was a miracle!

Oh, for the simple good old days! I can’t imagine what’s next...

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The topic of blog was interesting as technology is trouble if not used wisely and properly so, the tool used should be well-defined thus then technology will not become trouble, like there is a QuickBooks Tool Hub developed by intuit that is used to remove accounting trouble by providing features like book-keeping, invoicing, tax planning, budgeting.

Posted By : QuickBooks Tool Hub