114 days ago
Categories: Lifestyle
We take so much for granted in life. We become accustomed to things just appearing on a regular basis without giving any thought to how they get there. Take the Gotham Blog for example. Hopefully those who read it every week enjoy it. Hopefully more Gothamites become engaged. It doesn’t just appear in your inbox by itself. There is a behind the scenes effort to make sure it’s ready every week, a rotation of writers, and of course our own Fred to stay on top of it, make sure it’s ready every week and of course approve it before it’s released to the Gotham community.
Behind the scene there a text thread between Fred, Dan, Shelly, Cristi and myself. We are always messaging to confirm who is going that week. Dan always suggests a reminder in your calendar. I’m usually the one that mixes up the weeks, Fred has to control the order we go and sometimes play referee when there is confusion. It’s a team effort. I hope everyone enjoys it and I hope our readership grows. Maybe Mitch, with all his free time, can figure out how to measure the readership and engagement will grow.
New topic - Oct 1 was a triple meeting/diner hour event - an amazing evening- over 50 people - lots of laughs, connections and relationship building. If you haven’t figured it out yet, that’s how this networking thing works - people do business with people they know, like and trust. People they have relationships with. If you weren’t there Oct 1 then why are you here. Get involved!
Shawn Bernabeu