05.05.2022 (1026 days ago)


1026 days ago 5 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

The other day a guided meditation asked me to consider the teachers in my life.
As I focused on my breathing, I searched for the single person who stood out in my mind as being nurturing, encouraging and a guide on my journey.
I searched my memory bank and one of my college professors came through clearly. But I couldn’t think of anyone from earlier in my journey.
I wonder whether I never appreciated those special people or whether they ever really existed. Or, at least, never existed as teachers in the sense of that awesome responsibility that I now recognize.
And so, close your eyes and think of the teachers in your life.

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I have been extremely lucky to have had three or four great teachers. In what was then called junior high school in Manhattan, I had a home room/English/Social studies teacher who challenged me lovingly over two years with great books, humor, salty advice, exposure to theater and presented a role model of a young adult who nurtured younger ones

Posted By : Janet Sullivan