09.28.2017 (2706 days ago)

Tandem Bike and Words

Tandem Bike and Words
2706 days ago 4 comments Categories: City Blogs Tags:

An incident reported to me: Standing at the corner of Seventh Avenue and 53rd Street waiting for the light. A man in front is standing off the curb -- in a bike lane. A tandem bike going north on the Avenue (the wrong way) screeches as it glances the pedestrian. The bike stops for an instant, words are exchanged and the bike darts on its way. The pedestrian is momentarily stunned, then recovers and screams after the cyclists, irately yelling; "Watch where you're going you idiots; you're going the wrong way..." And then he adds "...and you don't even speak English!!" Those last few words linger. Why?

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