Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
07.23.2018 (2420 days ago)

Take Me Off Your List

Take Me Off Your List
2420 days ago 11 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:


Has anyone else noticed an increase in the number of calls trying to sell you something??



Don’t get me wrong. I am certain some of the causes are noble – and really, I am sure my computer is broken, and the only solution is for a perfect stranger to take control and fix it. But, when I get home at night, or on my precious weekend days, the last thing I want to do is answer the phone to someone pushing me to buy more insurance, or solar panels or . . .



My approach is simple – I ask, “Is this a sales call?” If the answer is unsatisfactory, I say, “Take Me Off Your List” and hang up. Someone told me to do that once. I’m not sure its necessary but it makes me feel good.



What is your protocol for the unsolicited sales call?

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