10.17.2013 (4161 days ago)

T Shirt Sentiments

T Shirt Sentiments
4161 days ago 4 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:


 With the change of seasons, I am motivated to get into my closets and do a little cleaning.


      I am truly amazed (perhaps embarrassed would be more accurate) by the number of T shirts that I have. It seems that every event in my life is commemorated by a T shirt that found its way into my closets. As I go through the piles, most of the shirts evoke good memories or, simply, look good. Yet, when I need a T shirt to wear, I usually choose one from a relatively select few and rarely go through all of them. I have come to realize that I will most-likely never wear the majority of the T shirts in my closets.


    And I came to a great realization --- there's no place for sentimentality when cleaning your closets!




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