Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
10.07.2022 (904 days ago)


904 days ago 29 comments Categories: Health Tags:

I was once a long distance runner and am proud to reveal that I finished 33 (my lucky number) marathons (26.2 miles).  I kept track and I ran over 55,000 miles (more than twice around the world), but sad to say, if I was a car I would trade me in (pictured) :)

When the inevitable time came, I switched to biking, but eventually I suffered a bad fall (the pavement was so hard and unforgiving) and my logical next form of exercise was swimming.  

Swimming is a non impact, cardiovascular dream.  And dream I do while enjoying the embracing water nearly every day.  What’s more, I use a snorkel to save on the neck pain and clogged ears.  

Take advantage of my life’s experience. Try it you’ll like it!!!

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Comments from Guests
So sorry you had a bad fall. But of course, nothing will keep you down. Stay afloat, my friend!

Posted By : Joanne Celi

A great, full body cardio-vascular exercise that builds strength and stamina.

Posted By : Roger Kahn