Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
08.27.2023 (564 days ago)

Swim time

Swim time
564 days ago 8 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Friday's blogger swims avidly.  It is something I've found little time for and wish to do more of.  When our niece and nephew asked us to watch her children -- Jake and Eden, we knew it would include taking them to their local Ramsey (New Jersey) Municipal Pool.  I found the facility so nice I want one (maybe several) in Queens and plan to chat with my borough president about (see layout pic at right) it.  

Both Eden and Jake made good use of the pool, its slides and other amenities.  I got to swim some laps and stretch out.  Of course there was some work and my handy iPad enabled me to provide the info needed.  We ordered in some Chinese and I caught Aaron Rodgers two series with the Jets against the Giants.

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