Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
04.25.2016 (3237 days ago)

Swiftly Fly The Years

Swiftly Fly The Years
3237 days ago 7 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

When I was 11 years old and in sixth grade, I played Fruma Sarah. For those of you who were not great fans of Fiddler on The Roof, Fruma Sarah was the butcher’s dead wife who Tevye conjures up in a dream scene to convince Golde that their daughter Tzeitel should be permitted to marry him. It is a crazy scene where Fruma Sarah flies through the air singing and shrieking. A really fun part at any age.  I think I liked the shrieking the most.

For context, I was so young that my mother came to every rehearsel, brought me an after school snack and sat in the back of the auditorium and watched as we all learned our parts. [Seriously though, when I had my first court appearance as a young lawyer my parents wanted to sit in the back of the courtroom too so I am not sure this vignette really adds any context to my story.]

More than forty years later, Fiddler is on Broadway again. A few months ago, I received a private message through Facebook from the Brooklyn student formerly known as Perchik. The cast from my junior high school production had been reconnecting through Facebook to try to organize a reunion visit to the show. A private chat had been going on for weeks. Although as it turned out I could not attend, the reunion happened Sunday and included about a dozen of our original cast. They even found the teacher who directed us, retired and living in New Hampshire but game for a visit to New York.

And to top it off, apparently the New York Times kind of liked the idea too.

All through the power of Facebook. Quite a reunion.


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